City of San Luis Obispo, CA
Home MenuHigh Street Neighborhood Traffic Management
Project Update
The High Street Neighborhood Traffic Management (NTM) Project was initiated in late 2016 with the purpose of addressing speeding along High Street between Higuera and Broad. Unfortunately, implementation of the project was put on hold in 2017 due to lack of funding. While the NTM Program remains unfunded in the current 2019-21 City Budget, interim traffic calming measures will be implemented as part of the street resurfacing project this summer (2020), specifically:
- Installation of speed humps along High Street between Higuera and Broad, spaced every 300’ to support a target speed of 25 mph (See image here for reference)
- Striping modifications at intersections where side streets have skewed approach angles to slow turning speeds and improve sight lines for drivers (See image here for reference)
- Additional speed limit signs, and potential lowering of the posted speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph after installation of speed humps
- Push-button activated flashing beacons at existing school crossing at High/Hutton
- Additional red curb parking restrictions at corners as needed to improve sight distance for drivers
For more information contact Matt Crisp, Transportation Planner/Engineer at or 805-783-7707.
How do I submit a traffic concern?
How does the City determine installation of different colored curb?
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