Fire Admin Staff

Keeping your Fire Department moving forward

Fire Administration has a staff of five professionals who are responsible for planning, directing and evaluating all fire department programs and activities.  Primary functions of Fire Administration include department leadership; public information and support services; human resource recruitment, testing, and management; fiscal and contract management; administrative functions, strategic leadership coordination, and fund enhancement (such as grant application and management). They ensure our Emergency Response and Fire prevention personnel are trained, equipped, and supported to focus on delivering the more visible aspects of caring for our community during times of emergency, investigations, and development. These are the people behind the people!


Emergency Manager, (currently vacant), is responsible for managing the City's Emergency Management program. These responsibilities include both City & community emergency and disaster readiness, plan management, and training. Additionally, he provides support to the City's vegetation management fuels reduction activities and represents the City of San Luis Obispo focus group on the SLO County Fire Safe Council. 

 Nicole photo and email


Business Analyst Nicole Vert, whose major responsibilities include budget development, administration and mutual aid processing. Nicole also leads research efforts in the Department and is the Department's fiscal officer. 

Administrative Specialist Mika TimpanoThis position is responsible for website maintenance, social media, accounts payable, public records requests, payroll, staff support, and serves as the primary contact for phone and walk-in customers.

Deputy Chief Sammy Fox

Deputy Fire Chief Sammy Fox. The major responsibilities of the Deputy Fire Chief include department trainingcommunity disaster preparedness, and Emergency Response supervision.


Fire Chief Todd Tuggle is the fourth full-time member of the Fire Administrative staff. Chief Tuggle is responsible for overall Department leadership, partnering with other City Departments to provide service, and connectivity with our community. Check out Chief Tuggle's message from the Fire Chief.