Message from your SLO City Fire Chief...

Thank you for your interest in the San Luis Obispo City Fire Department, where we have been honored to protect, rescue, and care for our citizens for well over 100 years.  Your Fire Department of 60 full-time professionals provides an incredible array of progressive services and programs.  Your San Luis Obispo City Fire Department is fully engaged in providing the highest level of fire protection and emergency services today, while working relentlessly to innovate new ways to better serve the community into the future. The landscape of the fire service is ever changing, and we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of that change.

SLO City Fire provides both proactive and reactive services to help people avoid and recover from what is typically one of their worst days.  Proactively, our Fire Prevention Bureau leads the effort to work with homeowners, businesses, and developers to maximize the safety of homes and businesses in our community.  We also work with citizens and groups to provide training and awareness on key public safety issues, including critical information related to disaster preparedness and recoveryAdditionally, your Fire Department has expanded its scope of emergency response services through the addition of UTV2 and the eBike program primarily for open space rescue.

Reactively, our Emergency Response crews provide an incredible array of “All-Risk” hazard mitigation services to our community and it’s visitors.  All SLO City firefighters are skilled in emergency medical care, and over 50 percent of our firefighters are certified as Paramedics providing advanced life support services.  Fire crews train for excellence, but the true indicator of our service is found in the compassion we provide in helping people out of difficulty and harm. 

Our commitment to the community continues to be a strong point to our services.  We constantly seek to exceed your expectation, and sincerely value the feedback of those we have served.  If we have provided you service, please complete our online feedback survey. 

Please check out our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. Thoughts and perspectives of the community helped in the development of this Strategic Plan as our main mission is effectively serving you.

If you have suggestions for service enhancements, website content, or simply want to contact your Fire Department, please do not hesitate to contact me via email

Thank you for the honor of serving this amazing community,

Todd Tuggle, Fire Chief