City of San Luis Obispo, CA
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Utilities Administration
(805) 781-7215
Water Sources
San Luis Obispo's Investments in Multi-Source Water Supply Help Ease the Impact of Droughts
While our memories can quickly fade, the 1987-1991 and 2014-2017 droughts had a profound effect on San Luis Obispo and those who experienced them can vividly recall the impacts. The subsequent decisions made and actions taken by City Council, community members, and staff to secure reliable water resources for the City continue to pay dividends. Investment in a multi-source water supply allows for a resilient supply even during drier periods.
As with any precious resource, it should be used wisely and efficiently. The City has four primary water supply sources including Whale Rock Reservoir, Salinas Reservoir, Nacimiento Reservoir, and recycled water (for irrigation). The Utilities Department is available to assist with questions regarding drought, irrigation practices, and water-wise landscaping at (805) 781-7215.