City of San Luis Obispo, CA
Home MenuArts and Culture Recovery Grant
Nonprofits Awarded SLO City Grants for Arts, Culture Programs
The City awarded one-time grants to nonprofits that provide arts and culture benefits, events, activities and services in San Luis Obispo, click HERE to see the full list of the organizations that applied for and were awarded the grant funding.
Program Overview
The City recognizes the unique challenges these organizations have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, so in response the City is sponsoring a one-time Arts and Culture Recovery Grant (ACRG) program to support the recovery and resiliency of non-profit arts and culture organizations that serve the community of San Luis Obispo. The purpose of this grant program is to aid organizations in the continued vitality of the city.
As part of a one-time ACRG program, the City will offer 15 organizational grants at $5,000 each, totaling $75,000 to local non-profit arts and culture organizations through a competitive application process.
Funding for ACRG program was the result of City Council allocation within the 2021-2023 Financial Plan as part of the work program for the Economic Recovery, Resiliency & Fiscal Sustainability Major City Goal. The City’s Promotional Coordinating Committee (PCC) will administer the grant process separate but in addition to the Cultural Grants In Aid process. ACRG applications will be reviewed, and grants will be awarded in accordance with the criteria described herein and at the discretion of the PCC.
Program Specifications
To be eligible the request must come from an organization with non-profit status, stated goals, and must provide a direct artistic or cultural benefit to the resident of San Luis Obispo. Grant funding through ACRG will be awarded exclusively for purposes related to organization recovery and resiliency.
Before applying for grant funding please review the Program Guidelines.