The City Manager, as the Director of Emergency Services, has appointed the Fire Chief as the city disaster preparedness officer.  With this appointment comes the responsibility for the Fire Department to coordinate all emergency preparedness activities within the City.  This includes development of an emergency plan, staff training, development of an emergency operations center, community preparedness information and coordination with the San Luis Obispo County Operational Area. 

Preparing yourself and your home is essential.  A good starting point for all disaster preparedness is to make sure you are prepared for at least 72 hours of self survival.  In other words, do you have enough food, water, medicine, batteries, cash, pet food, and other essential items that you can use in the absence of public utilities (electricity, water, and natural gas) for three or more days? 

To maximize your preparedness and safety, please review the following information.






Download All Safety Handouts Here

Sand Bag Information page

Winter Weather Preparedness page

We hope this winter's rainy season will provide some much needed drought relief without damaging our community. We hope for the best, but plan for the worst. We appreciate your partnership in this effort.

Click below to access the SLO City Flood Map
