Applications and Forms - Planning

Applicants are encouraged to meet with Community Development Department staff prior to submitting an application. After discussing your project and important development standards (setbacks, height, parking, landscaping, etc.) that will apply to your project, staff will be happy to discuss and assist you with the application process. Such a preliminary meeting will help expedite the development process. This can be done by telephone at (805) 781-7170 or by visiting our office at City Hall, 919 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. For additional information regarding the permit review process click here.

Planning Application (168kb, pdf)

This is the City's official Planning Application that must be submitted along with materials included on the appropriate checklist for a complete application, including applicable processing fee. 

Application Checklists

Checklists include all the items needed for a complete application for the various projects that require planning review.  Planning staff will use these lists to check for completeness after they are submitted with the appropriate application fee. Please contact staff to help determine what type of application will be needed for your project. These forms were last updated July 1, 2013.

Architectural Review


 Historic Preservation

 Subdivision Services

 Use Permits


*Public Hearing is required