Pages from South Broad Street Corridor Plan (Dec 2014)

The South Broad Street Area Plan was recently adopted along with the City Council’s December 2, 2014 approval of the Land Use and Circulation Element Update Project. The Plan implements General Plan policies for the area to create a safe, attractive and economically vital neighborhood with a mix of complementary land uses. In order to implement these goals, the Plan provides for higher density infill housing, mixed uses, innovative design concepts, neighborhood serving uses, and small scale retail and office uses. The South Broad Street Plan also provides for the protection of existing service and manufacturing uses.

Over the next 20 years, the Area Plan calls for:

  • Approximately 355 new dwellings,
  • 330,000 square feet of commercial space,
  • Architectural character that relates to the area history, and
  • Walkable and accessible streets and public spaces

The South Broad Street neighborhood, bound by Broad Street, Downtown, the Historic Railroad District and Orcutt Road is a prime example of how areas evolve. This roughly 140-acre neighborhood, once home to many Italian-Americans and railroad workers, is now a hub of manufacturing and residential revitalization. Many of the historical dwellings remain, and are now sharing the space with a mix of commercial, light industrial and business spaces.

The Area Specific Plan for the area encourages innovative design concepts that help revitalize and beautify the area with potential for higher density infill housing with an emphasis on mixed commercial, office and residential development and infrastructure that encourages walking, bicycling and public transit use.